Monday, February 20, 2012


Hello, everyone who reads my blog! Today, I'm going to be blogging about two comic books that I really like called Deadpool and Spawn. First let me tell you about Spawn.

My dad just recently gave me his collection of Spawn and let me tell you, IT'S FREAKING AWESOME! Here's what he looks like along with his symbol:

Spawn is about a man who was an assassin for the government and eventually got killed. The man went to Hell but wanted to be with his wife, so the devil gave him a job to become a Spawn, which is a person from Hell to kill people who have done bad deeds in their life. Now I've only read two Spawn comics and already I freaking love them. The first one I read was I think #78 and as soon as I was finished, I was flipping through my comic box thinking "Where's #79?" The other one I read was where Batman meets Spawn and it was EPIC!

Now for Deadpool. Deadpool is honestly, one of my favorite comic book characters of all time. Deadpool is about a man who had cancer and went to Weapon X for them to remove it. Deadpool was cured, but the operation caused his skin to become all scabby and Weapon X triggered his hidden mutant powers. He later went on to become a mercenary for hire. One of my favorite things about Deadpool is that he knows that he's in a comic book and he's cracking jokes ALL THE TIME! Here's Deadpool and his symbol:

I've noticed that the Deadpool symbol and the Spawn symbol look really similar. Probably just coincidence.

Well that's all the blogging for today. Please feel free to follow my blog, if you want. Bye!