Friday, January 6, 2012

DC Comics Reboot. UGH!!!

I just recently found out about a comic reboot that DC Comics has been doing. Honestly, from my point of view, very disappointing. Some of my favorite DC characters, like Starfire, has been rebooted into characters that I don't know anymore.
Let me name a few:

  • Harley Quinn
  • Catwoman
  • Starfire (major disappointment)
  • Question (it's now a girl)
  • Flash (still Barry Allen, they just put lightning around him. I'm not disappointed with him at all)
So far that's all I have, but three of them really let me down.

Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Starfire have all become skanky, very skanky.

Harley Quinn now wears a super-short corset and shorts that look like they could be underwear.

In the Catwoman comics, you mostly see her with barely any clothes on.

Starfire used to be my super-heroine idol in the DC universe. Sure she had hardly any clothes on in the older comics, but at least she was friendly! Even in the Teen Titans show she wanted people to be friends. Her boyfriend used to be Nightwing, but now look at her. She's now dating Jason Todd (a.k.a. the Red Hood), sitting on beaches in a very small bikini, and asking Red Arrow (used to be known as Speedy) to be her little toy while she's dating Red Hood! Oh, and did I mention that she DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THE NAMES OF HER OWN FRIENDS???

Yup that's right, she doesn't know who Nightwing, Raven, Cyborg, Beast Boy, or any of her other fellow Teen Titan members are!

Here's what Starfire looks like now:
See? Oh and here's Harley Quinn and Catwoman for you guys, too.

So, there you have it folks. The DC reboot sucked majorly when it came to the girls. I mean the other reboots I didn't mind because they didn't change their attitudes and they kept their costumes pretty similar to the originals. Oh, I almost forgot. Here's how I feel about the Starfire reboot:
Please tell me what you think about the new reboot by commenting on this blog.

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