Monday, May 14, 2012

The Runaways, Batgirl featuring Squire, and Lady's Comic Night

Hello, everyone. Sorry I couldn't post this up over the weekend, I was barely home. As you can see, I'm going to talk about two comic books and Lady's Night at one of my local comic shops.

So first I'm going to talk about Lady's Night. Basically, one of my local comic shops wanted to have a comic book night for girls, where you could get great discounts on comic books/graphic novels. It was a TON of fun! They had a contests, popcorn, and door-prizes. I won the picture with the Hulk contest (though, then again, I was the only one who entered) and my mom got the high-score on Ms. Pac-Man. While I was there, I happened to find this:

Now I am a HUGE Stephanie Brown fan and I had no idea who Squire was, so naturally, I picked it up. This comic is about Sheph going on a mission assigned by Batman which takes her to Britain, where she meets Beryl Hutchinson (a.k.a. Squire). Squire gives Steph the tour of the town when suddenly a villain steals a sword that can freeze time. I thought that this comic was very interesting and it let me know a little bit more about Knight and Squire.

Another comic book that I got (well, more like the first few issues of the comic mashed into a graphic novel) was The Runaways. I just got it and I'm already wanting to read more. This comic is about a group of kids who runaway from their parents who are in a secret villains society called the Pride. My favorite character so far is an eleven-year-old named Molly who is absolutely adorable! She is trying so hard to be mature around the group (who are all teens) but she is also still trying to be a kid at the same time. This is definitely a must read for those of you who love reading about kids with super-powers.

Well, that's all I have for today. Please feel free to comment, follow, and send me suggestions about comics. Bye for now!

~The Comic Girl

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