Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Back to school teams!

Hey, everyone! So yesterday was my first day of school and I thought, "Hey, what if I put different super-teams in my next blog and they all have to be in school!" Here's my top-five (in no specific order) list of super-kids!

1.Power Pack:

Seriously, how can you go wrong with this group? We've got two teenagers (Alex and Julie), a middle-schooler (Jack), and a little girl (Katie)! All with friggin' awesome powers and they act just like regular siblings!

2. X-Men:

X-Men technically count in this list because most of the team is in high-school. I almost had to put this team in here because, well, IT'S THE FREAKING X-MEN! Seriously, name one person you know that hates X-Men. Well, there may be a few...but that's not the point! The point is that they send out an important message:  Don't mess with someone just because they're different than you, because you never know if they are a mutant with awesome powers. I would name all of them, but there's to darn many!

3. Young Justice:

If you haven't read my review on this team, click here. Team of famous DC teens in one comic? Heck, yeah! Let's see. We have Arrowette (look familiar?), Empress, Slobo, Superboy, Robin (Tim Drake), Wonder Girl (Cassie), Impulse, and Secret. What do they have in common? Almost all of them were side-kicks to great super-heroes. Well, except for Secret...and maybe Slobo. I don't know, would you call Lobo a villian or just plain violent? Anyways, they're all awesome!

4. Teen Titans:

C'mon. It's the Teen Titans. They are a classic! You have Starfire, Raven, Wonder Girl (Donna), Cyborg, Beast Boy (Or is his name, "Changling" in this picture?), Robin (Dick Grayson), and Kid Flash. All of them are classic to teenage teams! Yeah, I know. I've talked about this before and the characters looked totally different, but that was the cartoon/cartoon based comic. This is the original Teen Titans that the show was based off of.

5.Young Avengers:

Okay, so you know who the Avengers are, right. Well imagine all of them, but as teenagers. If you did that, then you have the Young Avengers! Here we have Wiccan, Hulkling, Stature, Hawkeye (not the same one as the original team), Vision (does he count?), and Patriot.

That's all I have for today! Bye!

~The Comic Girl

Monday, August 13, 2012

Silk Spectre

Hey everyone! So today I'm going to be talking about a comic called, "Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre."

So far, there have only been two comics, but I have to say that it's a pretty good comic. It's basically about the teenage years of the original Silk Spectre's daughter, Laurel Juspeczyk (how do you pronounce that last name?)...Anyways, Laurel is a teen and the Watchmen haven't been together, yet, so she is out in the world and fighting crime by herself. Here's the first cover for all of you:

I tend to be attracted by artwork, so when I saw this cover I thought, "Ooh, pretty and it's Watchmen!" so I picked it up and ended up loving it. I don't know why it got bad reviews, though. It's a really good comic and I suggest it to all Watchmen fans...or non-fans.

Well, I have to go now. Bye!

~The Comic Girl

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hit-Girl's New Comic and I NEED HELP!!!

Hey, everyone! So as you can see, today I'm going to be talking about the new comic series called, "Hit-Girl." For those of you who don't know, Hit-Girl is the little purple-haired assassin girl in the movie/comic series called, "Kick-Ass." Basically what this comic is about is Hit-Girl's life without Big Daddy and now she is attending the same school as Kick-Ass, but she needs help fitting in.

I have to say that she is my favorite kid heroine ever. She just an awesome character! She lost her mother when she was born and was raised by her father who turned her into an assassin and she can kill anyone in sight! She's just so friggin awesome! Now I'm trying to get my little sister to cosplay her at the next Lady's Comic Book Night I go to.

Speaking of cosplays...I NEED HELP TRYING TO FIGURE OUT A COSPLAY FOR LADY'S NIGHT!!! I'm having a super-emergency on a cosplay idea and it has to be really simple because Lady's Night is this Friday. I think that I have some ideas, but I probably wouldn't get them done in time. I'm really desperate right now, so please vote on which costume I should make. And since the poll gadget keeps failing on me, I'll list the options right here and you can comment on which one I should choose:

1. Supergirl
2. X-23
3. Wonder Girl
Or if you have any other ideas, just tell me.

Well, that's all I have for today. Remember to comment, vote, and follow me! Bye for now!

~The Comic Girl