Monday, July 30, 2012

TDKR Review

Hello, everyone who is reading this blog! So today I will be giving a movie review on "The Dark Knight Rises." I have to say, it was an okay movie. There were some moments that were just kind of "meh" to me, but otherwise, it wasn't that bad of a movie. Basically what it's about is what is going on eight years later from the movie "The Dark Knight." Bruce Wayne hasn't been Batman since his incident with Harvey Dent, also known as "Two-Face", and there is a new villain called "Bane" and Bruce has to defeat him before he destroys the city of Gotham.

I thought that Bane was going to be a huge disappointment, mainly because he was supposed to be a giant South American guy with venom tubes attached to his body, but he wasn't all that bad! They still got him to be a giant guy who was overly strong. Here's a comparison of Bane from the comics and from TDKR:

I've got to say, I'm not a big fan of the weird Semi-Darth-Vader-Mask. It kind of makes sense in the movie, but I just don't like it.

Now for Catwoman. When I first saw the previews, I saw Anne Hathaway as more of as a Selina Kyle than a Catwoman, if that makes any sense. Don't get me wrong! Anne Hathaway is a fantastic actress and I love her movies, but she just didn't look like a Catwoman type of person. Once I saw the movie, however, I thought that she totally got the character! She was sly, sneaky, agile, and just pure Catwoman! Here's a comparison of Catwoman from TDKR and the comics:

Anne Hathaway just made me more of a fan of her's because of this movie.

Well, that's all I have for now! Feel free to comment your review on this movie and follow me. I've got to go. Bye!

~The Comic Girl

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