Monday, May 28, 2012

Skeleton Key and Blackest Night: Titans

Hello, people who love comics! So on today's blog, I'm going to talk about only two comic books today (sorry, I haven't been to a comic shop lately). As you can see, I'm going to be talking about a new comic called Skeleton Key and Blackest Night: Titans. I'll start with Skeleton Key first.

So, while my mom and I where last at one of our local comic shops, my mom found this one comic called Skeleton Key. She thought look really cute (and it is) and picked it up. Skeleton Key is basically about these two kids and their pet raccoon who have this skeleton key that can open up different dimensions and they are all trying to find their way home. I think that this comic is simply adorable. Here are some of the covers:

Okay, now for Blackest Night. I love the full story with Hal Jordan being one of the main heroes and he's having all of the Lantern Corps join forces and fight against the Black Lanterns. But unfortunately, I'm not going to talk about that version today. Instead, I'm going to talk about what the Titans did during this event. The only two reasons I got this comic was because:
1. It's freaking Blackest Night
2. I heard that Terra was going to be in it.
I thought that this comic was really interesting mainly because it shows all of the Titans dead friends and enemies fighting them with much more power than they used to have. I only have the first two issues, but now I HAVE to read more. It's such a great story and for all of you zombie-loving-superhero fans out there,  you would love reading this comic.

Well, that's all I have for today. Sorry I'm posting this up so late, I was insanely busy today. Please comment, follow my blog, and send me comic suggestions. See you all later!

~The Comic Girl  

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Killing Joke, Suicide Squad, and Supergirl

Hello, everyone! So, as you can see, today I'm going to be talking about Supergirl, The Killing Joke, and Suicide Squad. I've just recently read all of these and so far, the one I've been most disappointed in has been Supergirl, which I'm going to talk about right now.

So, in this comic, DC has rebooted Kara completely. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking, "Well, this comic has been out since last year. Why is she just now reading this?" Well, to answer your question, I really needed some more comics to buy and that was the first one that I saw. Anyways, back to the review. This comic really confused me on the first issue because it shows Kara coming out of her rocket and wearing her New 52 Supergirl outfit (It also shows Superman wearing his new costume, too), but she thinks that her parents are still alive. I thought that Kypton was just about to explode when her parents loaded her in the rocket to Earth. Did she hit her head or something? How can she not remember that? If you've read the series, please help me out here! Oh, and here's the cover:

Okay, now for Suicide Squad. I guess that I was kind of wrong on the new Harley Quinn (see DC Comics Reboot. UGH!!!). Apparently, she's still the same fun-loving, wacky, and insane Harley as before, but without Joker, and she has a skanky outfit. I really enjoyed this comic and now I know that I shouldn't judge a book, or comic, by its cover. Speaking of covers, here's the Suicide Squad's:

Another comic that I've just recently read was The Killing Joke, which I LOVED! So, for those of you who haven't read this Batman classic, it's basically explaining how Joker became the Joker and how Babs got in her wheelchair. I thought that it was really neat, but there where some parts that I also thought were pretty disturbing. This is officially one of my new favorite comics of all time. R.I.P. Joker. Here's the cover of The Killing Joke:

Well, that's all I have for today. Please, please, PLEASE comment, subscribe, follow, and/or send me comic suggestions. Got to go now. Have a great week!

~The Comic Girl

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Runaways, Batgirl featuring Squire, and Lady's Comic Night

Hello, everyone. Sorry I couldn't post this up over the weekend, I was barely home. As you can see, I'm going to talk about two comic books and Lady's Night at one of my local comic shops.

So first I'm going to talk about Lady's Night. Basically, one of my local comic shops wanted to have a comic book night for girls, where you could get great discounts on comic books/graphic novels. It was a TON of fun! They had a contests, popcorn, and door-prizes. I won the picture with the Hulk contest (though, then again, I was the only one who entered) and my mom got the high-score on Ms. Pac-Man. While I was there, I happened to find this:

Now I am a HUGE Stephanie Brown fan and I had no idea who Squire was, so naturally, I picked it up. This comic is about Sheph going on a mission assigned by Batman which takes her to Britain, where she meets Beryl Hutchinson (a.k.a. Squire). Squire gives Steph the tour of the town when suddenly a villain steals a sword that can freeze time. I thought that this comic was very interesting and it let me know a little bit more about Knight and Squire.

Another comic book that I got (well, more like the first few issues of the comic mashed into a graphic novel) was The Runaways. I just got it and I'm already wanting to read more. This comic is about a group of kids who runaway from their parents who are in a secret villains society called the Pride. My favorite character so far is an eleven-year-old named Molly who is absolutely adorable! She is trying so hard to be mature around the group (who are all teens) but she is also still trying to be a kid at the same time. This is definitely a must read for those of you who love reading about kids with super-powers.

Well, that's all I have for today. Please feel free to comment, follow, and send me suggestions about comics. Bye for now!

~The Comic Girl

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's Free Comic Book Day!!!!

Happy Free Comic Book Day, everyone! I hope you all got totally awesome comics today. So today, I'm going to talk about that mystery woman again (see Batwoman, Animal Man, and a Mystery Woman?), Mouse Guard, and the new Avengers movie.

So, while my dad and I where at one of the comic shops close to use, my dad spotted this:

Now the first thing I noticed was the hooded woman holding the gun and I immediately thought, "Hey, that looks like the woman in all of the New 52 first issues." So I start reading it and I find out that it is the same woman! The best part is that the ENTIRE first half of the comic is all about her! Apparently, her name is Pandora and she is being punished by this group of wizards because she opened a box. Sound familiar? I honestly can't wait to find out more about Pandora and what she is going to do in the future.

Another comic that I got was Mouse Guard. Until I saw this on the "Free Comics" table, I've never seen a Free Comic Book Day comic as a hard back. Here's what the cover looks like:

This comic has six separate stories in it. Though, the main one I was interested in was Labyrinth. It's still the same characters as in the movie (you know, the one with David Bowie in it?). Anyways, it's about a little worm helping Hoggle find a friend, so he tells Hoggle to go down to Goblin City to tell the giant metal guard something (I'm not going to say what, though. You'll have to read it.).

And finally to top off Free Comic Book Day, my dad and I went to go see this:

I just have two words to describe this movie:  FREAKING AWESOME!!!! I am a big Joss Whedon fan. I have seen almost every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and he did one heck of a job directing this movie. The actors were well picked, they finally got a decent Bruce Banner, the movie was hilarious, and it was action-packed. I think that this movie is defiantly a must-see. If you do go see it, make sure you keep watching it until AFTER the credits. Lets just say that they give you an idea about the next Avengers movie.

Well, that's all the blogging that I'm going to do today. Please feel free to comment, subscribe, and send me suggestions about comics. I'll try my best to keep you guys updated every week!

~The Comic Girl